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How to Transfer Your iTunes Library from Windows 11 to the Latest Mac

조회 수 36 추천 수 0

There are two main ways to move your iTunes music library from a Windows PC (especially Windows 11) to the latest Mac environment (typically macOS Catalina or later).

  1. Copy the iTunes library folder directly
  2. Use the backup/export library feature provided by iTunes (or Apple Music)

1. Copy the iTunes Library Folder Directly

This method copies the basic folder structure that iTunes uses, allowing you to bring over tag information, playlists, music files, and more all at once.

  1. Find the iTunes library folder on Windows 11
    It’s usually located at C:\Users\[YourUserName]\Music\iTunes.
    You can also launch iTunes, go to Edit > Preferences and check the Advanced tab to see where the library is stored.
  2. Copy the library folder to an external hard drive (or USB)
    Copy the entire iTunes folder you found above to an external hard drive, USB drive, or NAS with sufficient storage space.
  3. Copy it to your latest Mac
    Connect your external storage device to your Mac and use Finder to move the folder into your Music folder (or your user’s Music folder). You can place it in another folder if you prefer, but it’s best to keep it organized so you can easily locate it when loading your library in Apple Music.
  4. Run the Apple Music app on the Mac
    On macOS Catalina or later, the Music app replaces iTunes by default.
  5. Load the library
    Quit the Music app if it’s open.
    Hold down the Option key (on MacBooks, this can be labeled option or alt) while launching the Music app. A “Choose Library” dialog will appear.
    Select Choose Library and browse to the iTunes folder you copied over, then select the iTunes Library.itl file (or whichever .itl file you have).
  6. Verify that your music and playlists appear correctly
    Once the library is successfully loaded, you should see your old playlists, music, and album artwork from Windows.

Note: If you open the library in the Music app and see songs grayed out or missing, you may need to go to Music > Preferences > Files to adjust the media folder location so that the Music app can find your files.

2. Using the iTunes (Apple Music) Backup/Export Library Feature

If you prefer a more “official” method, you can use the Export Library feature in iTunes (or Apple Music). This method exports metadata such as playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc., rather than the audio files themselves. You will still need to move the files, but the library information comes from an exported file.

  1. Launch iTunes on Windows 11
    Open iTunes on your Windows PC.
  2. Go to [File] > [Library] > [Export Library]
    This exports an .xml library file, which you can save to an external drive or USB.
  3. Back up your music (media) files separately
    They are typically located in the iTunes Media folder inside the iTunes folder. Copy the entire iTunes Media folder to your external drive.
  4. Open Apple Music on your latest Mac
    Switch over to your Mac and run the Music app.
  5. Import your library
    Go to [File] > [Library] > [Import Playlist/Import] and select the .xml file you exported. Be sure you’ve already copied the iTunes Media folder to a suitable location (like the Music folder) on your Mac.
  6. Check if file paths are recognized
    If the file paths match, your playlists, music, and album art should all load properly. If you get an error about missing files, you may need to manually update the file paths in Music.

3. Notes After Transferring

  1. Maintain the folder structure
    Because the iTunes (Music) library depends on a specific folder structure, renaming folders or changing directory paths can cause the app to lose track of your files. Keep the original structure intact for the easiest transition.
  2. Beware of DRM
    Older music files purchased from the iTunes Store may still have DRM, which requires you to authorize the new Mac using your Apple ID. When you play these tracks for the first time, you might be prompted for authorization.
  3. Preserving play counts, ratings, and other tags
    When you move the entire library, your play counts, star ratings, and playlists are mostly preserved. If you only import files into a new library, you might lose some of this metadata, so be cautious.


  • The easiest way: Copy the C:\Users\[YourUserName]\Music\iTunes folder from Windows 11 to an external drive, move it to the Mac’s Music folder, then open the Music app on your Mac while holding down Option and choose the .itl library file.
  • The “official” way: Use iTunes (Apple Music) Export Library to create an .xml file, and copy your iTunes Media folder over. Then use Import Library in Apple Music on your Mac to bring in both the XML data and the actual media files.

By following the steps above, you can seamlessly transfer your iTunes music from Windows 11 to your latest Mac without losing your playlists or metadata. If you encounter further issues, make sure to check Music > Preferences > Files to confirm that the “Media folder location” is set correctly.


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